Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Crispy Sage Follower

Photo From The Crispy Sage website
Wow, with Pinterest being so easy to use, I haven't posted here for a while. But I want everyone to have this fabulous recipe and perhaps encourage you to follow The Crispy Sage. This website is a jewel for those who wish to "live and eat naturally."

The Crispy Sage recipe that caught my eye today is Tomato Quinoa, Rosted Portobello Caps, Curried Zucchini , and Basil Oil Crumble.   Everything is probably already in your refrigerator and spice rack except maybe the optional tapioca maltodextrin, but it's OPTIONAL.

I'm not reposting the recipe here, because this website is worth the visit. If you can find the name of the author/blogger let me know.

Today is Quinoa Wednesday at the Brandt home. It gives us just enough boost to make it through the rest of the week.

Spicy Brandt

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